roblems that influence this choice include high combustion, which is a problem especially in older models. Another deterrent to buyers is the heavy availability of parts for cars from the USA. In Poland, it is much easier to get parts for German, Italian or French cars.
However, getting elements for cars from overseas is not impossible. Today, there are already many services specializing in the repair of cars of this origin. They regularly import parts from this market, which, although they often happen to be relatively expensive, can also be absolutely affordable for the Polish consumer.
Therefore, it is not worth getting discouraged, and when choosing a new car, consider this possibility.
For many people this will be important
American cars are not very popular in our country. Many say they are large, impractical, fuel-eaters, and their maintenance and operation costs are very high. However, there are people who love these powerful engines, their sound, value the convenience of traveling, and the operating costs go to the background. We are used to buying car parts on the spot, for popular models is no problem. The problem is when it comes to a rare car, even "exotic" - salesmen spread their hands. For many people, this will be an important argument, which almost almost always - excludes a little-seen brand from the group of sought after, interesting for them.
Is the lack of access to spare parts an insurmountable problem? In no case! Parts for cars from the USA import specialized stores that deal only with such brands. They have their regular group of customers who buy good quality parts from abroad.
American cars often don't have their own
More and more people are using cars. It is a very fast and convenient means of transport. It also gives us great independence. We can move from one point to another, regardless of the timetable, which is the case with buses or trains. However, when our vehicle breaks down, there is a problem. Car parts are quite an expensive thing, and you still have to pay a mechanic to replace them or waste your valuable time yourself.
If we have an imported car, it looks even harder. American cars often don't have their showrooms in Poland. Therefore, it may not be possible to obtain replacement parts in our country. Then you have to import parts for cars from the USA. Contrary to appearances, it may turn out to be a cheaper option, even with payment of customs duty, than if we had to buy them on the spot. When choosing a car brand, it is worth considering many factors, including the availability of parts for it and whether we will receive assistance in local car services if needed.
Now I will show you what parts for
American cars are known all over the world. Mechanics often buy parts for cars from the US to sell them to customers. Even in online stores you will find various parts for cars. You must first present a list of overseas car brands from which we can buy car parts: Ford, Chevrolet, Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep, Buick. Now I will present to you which parts for cars from these brands we can buy.
Tie rod end for Ford, front left shock absorber for Chrysler, exhaust valve for Jeep, ABS front sensor for Dodge, head gasket for Jeep, air filter for Chrylser. Some US car parts are not expensive. We will pay about PLN 85 for this air filter. We will pay about PLN 140 for the bottom rear fan. But for the air conditioning evaporator we have to pay about 517 PLN.
In every store with car parts we will find something different, so it's worth looking to find a good opportunity. There are even special online stores where only parts for cars from the USA are sold.